May 23, 2011

Kumpulan Video Liputan Blogilicious de Surabaya

Blogilicious de Surabaya kini telah menjadi acara yang heboh dan menggemparkan. Acara yang berlangsung dua hari ini mampu menyedot lebih dari 300 blogger se-Surabaya dan sekitarnya. Banyak materi yang diberikan kepada para audience pada waktu itu, diantaranya:
  1. Tips Blogging oleh mas Amril Taufik Gobel
  2. Etika Ngeblong oleh mbak Ajeng
  3. Mobile Blogging oleh bapak Setyobudianto
  4. Sosial Media oleh mbak Alderina alias Sharon
  5. Blog Preuner oleh Abah Novianto Puji Raharjo
  6. Blog Monetize oleh mas Kukuh TW dan Mbak Mubarika
  7. Theme Design oleh mas Zulkarnaen
  8. Blog Security oleh mas Frenavit alias Bodrex
  9. SEO oleh mas Gempur

Blogilicious de Surabaya kian meriah ketika audience disuguhkan pertunjukan musik patrol Jabal Nur. Hmmm, ini kali pertama saya melihat sebuah tarian digabungkan dengan musik tradisional seperti kentongan dan tong plastik.
Adapun videonya sebagai berikut:

Sayangnya video tersebut direkam tanpa suara. kemudian saya nemuin lagi dari Youtube sebuah video uploadan dari mas Frenavit.

Nemu video lagi yang diupload oleh mas ardhy89:

Mungkin cuma 3 video itu saja yang berhasil saya temukan di Youtube. Salam Blogilicious de Surabaya

Baca juga: Blogilicious de Surabaya

May 16, 2011

Blogilicious de Surabaya Success!

Finally Blogilicous de Surabaya have been successfully implemented. Roadblog 2011 series scheduled to be held in 7 major cities including Jakarta, Medan, Surabaya, Makassar, Bandung, Yogyakarta and Palembang. The event was attended by around 400 participants, mostly dominated by bloggers beginners and students UPN.

Anas and Friends follow Blogilicious de Surabaya

On the first day, Blogilicious de Surabaya discuss about tips Blogging, Ethics Blogging, Mobile Blogging, Social Media, Blogpreneur, and Blog Monetize. Besides discussing about around the blogs, as well as job reviews were distributed to participants who can answer the question correctly and properly. Unfortunately, Anas did not follow the events on the first day.

Blogilicious de Surabaya on the second day, Anas follow it from beginning until end this event. Present at the event was very enjoyable and rewarding. Many knowledge and new insights that we can apply when writing a post. Not only good writing tips, but also discusses the higher level such us the theme design, security, and SEO. Unlike the first day distribute job review, on the second day Committee announce the SEO contest. The prize is Samsung Galaxy Mini. Detailed contest please click

Success for IdBlogNetwork .. Success for Surabaya bloggers ..
Keep blogging: D

May 5, 2011

Find Best Kid School Items

A lot of books and other equipment brought into the school, make the mothers prefer to buy a backpack which empowered a large capacity for their children. However unwittingly backpack often causes pain in the spine. Currently, very difficult to find a comfortable backpack for kids.

Stephen Joseph backpacks is Special Backpack with best quality. This backpack is made from 100% quilted cotton, so it is very soft in your hand and comfortable. It has a cute motifs and colors, so your child will not be saturated using this backpack. See some photos below, very funny and adorable when using this backpack.
Stephen Joseph backpacks
The front of this backpack have the magnetic closure. It will make your child more easily enter the books, launchbox and others to backpack. Toddler backpacks is one of most popular backpacks for kids. It would be a good choice for kids when they study in preschool and kindergarten. If you buy backpack from, you can personalize this backpack.

Animal cartoon is a favorite picture the most demanding children. At her age, children are more like animals and other funny pictures. So, almost all toddler backpack dominated by pictures of animals. If you want, the style of bag can be changed, or you put your child name on the flap.

Nap mats is additional equipment that you can consider. When your child's rest after studying all day, you can use nap mats. It has a cute designs and colors. It can be a protection when your children are playing, sleep, or even lunch.

Nap Mats

4 days ago, I bought a backpack for my child in Posy Lane. Backpacks that have been sent to me exactly identic with their product through the website. Apparently, cute design and bright color well-liked by my child. I recommend it to you.

Don't worry, Trust that Posy Lane can help you to find best kid school items. Check it out!

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