Aug 6, 2009

Protect Your Flashdisk From autorun.inf

Let's imagine that on this example your USB disk is placed on drive G:
  1. Open cmd.exe (Command Prompt)
  2. Then, type
  3. Type
  4. Type
  5. Type

Now, your flashdisk safe for autorun.inf!!!
A virulent computer will try to create a autorun.inf on the root of the pendisk but as a folder already exists this operation won't be possible. Some virus might try to delete this folder, but since we create new subfolder con, aux, and nul - it will be somewhat safer.

Aug 4, 2009

Add Calendar in Blogger (Blogspot)

Description: This script uses regular expressions to show calendar on sidebar of blogger.

  1. Login to
  2. Click Layout under Manage of the blog you want to edit the sidebar to add calendar, this will bring up a section called Page Elements
  3. On the right hand side of this layout for page elements you will see your sidebar here, "Add a Page Element" or "Add a Gadget".
  4. Click on "Add a Page Element" or "Add a gadget".
  5. You will see a page element called "HTML/JavaScript", this is the page element you want to use on your blogger sidebar to place calendar that are in the form of HTML or JavaScript.
  6. Click on "ADD TO BLOG".
  7. You will be asked to enter title and content. Just paste HTML/Javascript code above in the content box and leave the title box blank.
  8. Click Save, then when the window closes, click Save on the next one, now you will see your calendar on your blogger sidebar.

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